Tuesday, May 10, 2011

6 real estate headlines: 10-May

A daily dose of headlines for real estate agents, mortgage lenders, homebuyers and home sellers.

Alexandria Waterfront plan advances
Washington Examiner
: Over the loud protests of residents, the unfinished Alexandria waterfront plan is moving ahead to the City Council for approval.
Home market tumbles
Wall Street Journal
: U.S. home values posted the largest decline in the first quarter since late 2008, prompting many economists to push back their estimates of when the housing market will hit a bottom.
28 percent of homeowners underwater
Housing Wire
: Home values in the first quarter fell 3% from the prior quarter and are now nearly 30% lower than the June 2006 peak.

How to sell in tough times
CNN Money
: Nearly five years into the housing bust, when many experts thought the real estate market would at least have stabilized, sales and prices are still dropping in most of the country.

6 ways buyers can boost qualifying income
Inman News: Borrowers without the income required to qualify for the mortgage they need have many possible options.
Homeowners drowning in negative equity
: If you have no desire or need to sell your home, then falling home prices are just on paper and likely temporary, right? Depends on how you look at it.


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